RelaisKarte 8-fach - M.Unit Kategorie: Programmierung (von Thijs - 1.10.2006 22:14) | |
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Dear sir, I'm trying te let the relaisplatine 8-fach seriell (conrad nr: 96 77 20) work with the C-control M-unit 2.0. I'm trying to program it in the M-unit but I cant get it right. I don't understand how to give the commando's at the right way from the M-unit to the relaisplatine. I'f make a cal the Dutch Conrad helpdesk but the don't know anything about de C-control. So, I Have an M-unit 2.0, a programming station and a relaiskarte en many evenings trying to let it work, but the result is zero. My question is if anybody could help me. Maybe you see what I do wrong. I copyâ??d de .bas file Iâ??ve made below. Or is there a example file for this relaiskate? I hope you can help me so I can go further with it With kind regard, Thijs Aansturing Conrad relaiskaart 8-voudig serrieel (967720) ' ' '--------------------Aanstuurgegevens relaiskaart---------------------------- 'kadropbouw : byte 0 byte1 byte 2 byte 3 ' commando Printplaatadres gegevens checksum(XOR) Const Kaartadres=1 Const CodeOn=3 Const CodeOff=3 Const Rel1 = 1 Define CodeOn as byte Define Kaartadres as Byte 'Define Rel1 as byte Define Checksum as Byte Define 1 as byte Define 0 as byte Baud R19200 '-------Initialisatie relais kaart--------------------------- Put 1 Put Kaartadres Put 0 Checksum=1+Kaartadres+0 Checksum=(1 XOR Kaartadres XOR 0) +1 Put Checksum End sub '-----------------Inschakelen relais--------------------------- put CodeOn put Kaartadres put 1 Checksum=CodeOn+Kaartadres+1 Checksum=(Checksum XOR FFh) +1 put Checksum End sub attributes End attributes | |
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